The Development of Technology and Its Impact on Animals — GentleMals Collection

2 min readMar 8, 2024


The Evolution of Technology and Its Impact on Animals

The rapid development of technology has fundamentally changed the lifestyle and interactions of humanity. These advancements have not only affected humans but also the natural world, particularly animals. In recent years, with the rise of the crypto world, a new trend related to animals has emerged: Animal NFTs. In this article, we will explore how the evolution of technology has affected animals and how the interaction is reflected in animal NFTs in the crypto world.

The advancement of technology has altered the way humans interact with the natural world. Progress in communication, transportation, and industrial activities has transformed natural habitats and diminished the living spaces of many animal species. For example, deforestation and urban expansions have destroyed or fragmented the habitats of numerous wildlife species. Additionally, the side effects of human activities such as pollution and climate change have reduced the survival chances of many animal species.

However, alongside the negative impacts of technology on animals, it’s essential to recognize that technology can also be used as a tool for their conservation and research efforts. Tracking technologies, habitat conservation programs, and AI-assisted research play significant roles in the conservation and monitoring of animals.

GentleMal NFTs

In recent years, the popularity of cryptocurrencies, particularly NFTs, has exploded. NFTs are tokens representing unique digital assets created and stored using blockchain technology. This uniqueness has created a new market for various assets, including artworks, digital collections, and even animals.

GentleMal NFTs are an exceptional and magnificent collection consisting of gentlemanly animals. These NFTs are digital assets created by artists to represent specific animal species, highlighting their beauty and unique characteristics. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these NFTs can be donated to the conservation and improvement of the real-life species they represent.

GentleMal NFTs allow individuals to experience the natural world more closely in the digital realm while raising awareness for conservation efforts. These NFTs can strengthen people’s connections with animals and support conservation efforts in the real world.

The rapid development of technology has both positive and negative effects on the natural world. However, new trends in the crypto world, such as GentleMal NFTs, can strengthen the connection between humans and the natural world while serving as essential tools for conservation efforts. These NFTs represent a powerful fusion of art and technology while bridging the gap between humans and the natural world. In the future, it is expected that such digital assets will play an even more significant role in animal conservation efforts.

Additionally, GentleMal NFTs are available for staking on the CoinCollect platform, allowing individuals to earn profits by participating in stake activities.

Here is Zidanogo’s GentleMals Collection!OpenSea




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